23.1 [general] - automate eleventyNavigation (for good) - remove duplicated frontmatter - other minor changes and fixes
[index] - add filters for projects lists - sort starred projects first - reduce image cycle interval2024-09-02
23.0 [index] - new background videos - new projects (tahoe, url) - new images for projects - style changes for the project sections - move "other" projects to (smaller) own section - better buttons logic - automated logic for project images - split html and style files - add keyboard shortcuts ("?") - generic alerts support
[general] - fix button animation - automated eleventyNavigation - content filter for better meta descriptions - other minor changes and fixes
[til] - specific folders for media for each entry - new entry: video-compression
[webutils] - use better titles for each util - title changes and other fixes2024-09-01
22.2 [til] - new entry: certs-renewal - correctly sort entries and tags - better content styling - new shortcode for the addition of formatted images
[treemap] - fix duplicated nodes
[general] - other minor changes and fixes2024-08-25
22.1 [til] - size tags by count - manually define creation date - add (and use) reference shortcode2024-08-25
22.0 [index] - fix socials hover style - fix sections event listeners in all platforms
[projects] - add missing techs to some projects
[til] - new entry: ios-event-bubbling - minor fixes and style changes2024-08-24
22.0 RC1 [til] - full fledged implementation of TILs, using old writeups base - two initial entries: pdf-count, eleventy-package - supporting js scripts and sass styles
[styles] - split files for global styles - use highlight.js for code syntax highlighting - other minor style changes
[templates] - phase out css` and `js magic tags - allow HTML content in titles and subtitles - other base template changes - new til template
[.eleventy.js] - use pkg` data value to import `package.json values (and dependant changes)2024-08-24
22.0 beta 5 [general] - add emojis to titles - update and remove dependencies - minor footer changes - move treemap to own js file - minor style changes - various bug fixes
22.0 beta [general] - new global font (+ style changes) - remove multicolor animation from links :( - version tag style changes - other minor changes and fixes
[index] - enhance modal flow and styling
[webutils] - fix md5 - fix webutils not loading properly on general page
[backup] - global projects - added tfg/prácticas
[changelog] - remove first newline from commit messages2024-07-21
[changelog] - fix live commit showing out of order - fix oneline commits not showing as titles - manually build changelog before deploy - fix missing commits
21.2 [quizzes] - new web exam questions - new proyectos quiz
[general] - small projects updates - small style tweaks2024-02-16
21.1 fetch commits from remote to build changelog2024-01-15
21.0 [quizzes] - add daypo Qs to web - remove exam block if no questions marked as "exam" - web fixes
[index] - update grado
[general] - update npm scripts to allow changelog build on push - add license to repo - link version code to changelog - minor corrections2024-01-15
21.0 beta [general] - replace snowstorm with snow-fall - append scripts to head instead of body - new npm run scripts - update kuma css - remove unused assets - minor tweaks and fixes
[changelog] - new changelog page - new changelog building tools (ruby!)
[this] - minor changes
[quizzes] - minor corrections
[index] - emojify and add content to the about section2024-01-11
19.0 [index] - adjust margin for mobile - add titles to the projects section2023-12-11
19.0 RC4 [index] - revamp full projects list (mobile optimized)
[general] - fix svg icons - small fixes and tweaks2023-12-11
19.0 RC3 [index] - fix video chain - reduce video opacity - fix 'stop' overlay button
[general] - rework projects' titles
[webutils] - better styling for img options2023-12-10
19.0 RC2 [index] - background videos: - compressed and encoded background videos using av1 - added title to videos in data file - chained videos on end - overlay: - better styling - new 'next' button - show 'now playing' on video change - load overlay from js instead of html - better randomize lib
19.0 RC1 [webutils] - new template that autoloads scripts and styles - minor style tweaks
[img] - drag and drop zone - important script fixes
[index] - fix small clipping issues with images - small style tweaks
[general] - lighthouse and w3c validation fixes2023-12-09
19.0 beta 2 [general] - remove leftover logs - async load for quicklink - remove default font weight - allow redirections for common misspelings
[index] - reduce projects' imgs sizes and convert to webp - fix headings order - style fixes and tweaks2023-12-08
19.0 beta [general] - added breadcrumbs - format processed njk files - small html fixes - tweaks and optimizations - add footer - remove logic from macros that are only called once
[index] - finish rework of projects section - fixes to experience and about section - add images to projects - add root to list of projects
[webutils] - add new quoted-printable encoder - add frontmatter to webutils that doesn't render on main page
[writeups] - add small support for future writeups2023-12-08
19.0 alpha 2 [general] - scrap scroll mschf idea - minor corrections2023-12-01
19.0 alpha 1 [general] - use js modules, new js dir tree - new sass modules for animations and colors - move background videos to own dir - fix firebase deploy github actions - modulize index data json -test new marquee2023-12-01
18.7 [GTI] - nuevas preguntas del examen y otras fuentes - clasificar preguntas que salieron en el examen - nuevo botón para seleccionar bloque de examen - keywords, css y otros cambios menores
[404] - revertir cambios recientes
[general] - apuntar enlace de versión al último commit - optimizaciones y cambios menores2023-11-28
18.6 [general] - minor tweaks to enhance pagespeed results2023-11-27
18.5 [webutils] - new img conversor/resizer webutil
[backup] - adjust line spacing (fixes SEO issues)
[GTI] - tweaks and style adjustments
[index] - remove for loops from macros
[epiCalendar] - add own image to tutorial to improve performance - minor changes