this webpage is a collection of my personal projects, a place that I control that allows me to build and publish my own small ideas. I've spent a lot of time building it and slowly redefining it, and even though it's not impressive neither visually nor technically, it represents my ideas and beliefs.
almost everything you see, from the breadcrumbs to the buttons, is handcrafted
and built from scratch with ,
hosted in
(and a ton of client-side
the github repo is connected to firebase hosting through CI/CD using github actions, including the 'beta' branch that hosts the latest changes before going live.
the "design" is a tribute to the legendary daft punk 90's website. as you can probably tell, it's a very important reference for me, and even though it doesn't hold up to today's standards, i've always loved its simplicty and looks.
from December 1st to January 7th every year, there is snow falling (thanks to zachleat)
several other inspirations: